Monday, March 7, 2016

Leap Day — cultural difference

29 Feb is an additional day of year — leap day.

Well known fact that we have these days each four years, and there are astronomic reasons for that.

But let's talk about how we consider this day (or year with this day) from cultural point of view.

In Russia, I don't know anything special about this day but this bissextile year supposed to be unlucky.

I was thinking is a common thing to treat such years as "unlucky" before I've seen an episode from "30 rock" where they are referred to 29 Feb as a "free day for additional opportunities."

That made me think for awhile.
This optimistic way of thinking is much better than our way. It is really just a additional day, why it should spoil the year?
I decided to switch to another side, from now I will consider that day as a good one for any unusual fun!

Quick googling shows me these facts:
In Scotland, a leap year is thought to be bad for livestock. This is why the Scottish sometimes say, "Leap year was ne’er a good sheep year."
In Italy, where they say "anno bisesto, anno funesto" (which means leap year, doom year), there are warnings against planning special activities such as weddings. The reason?
"Anno bisesto tutte le donne senza sesto" which means "In a leap year, women are erratic."
Tell us more:
1. Is this day something special for you?
2. Do you have special plans for it?
3. Do you think that these years are unlucky?

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