Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The New Year

The summer season is ending here. As always it's abruptly.
Two day ago it was +30, yesterday it was +12, and today it's +5.
Probably we will have snow in the September.
We have The New Year celebration at Jan 1 as many people in the world, but to have some fun we closing our summer with a fake new year celebration too.
It means, the fun season is ended, let's wait for another one.
Despite the fact it's a fake new year, it has all what a real new year has.
The contest of costumes for children, they were declaring poem during it, and they got their sweets.
The fire show, with fireworks, fakirs, and magicians.

The Russian Santa. Russian Santa is kind of different, from western one.
We call him grandfather Cold, and he is usually accompanied by his granddaughter Snowgirl.

For sure we had our fir-tree:

and traditional new year's food, like champagne and caviar, and a lot of else.

And, of course, rock stars and the concert, for the whole night:
Because this fake new year is about the summer, we celebrate it not in home, but at our favorite camping on the river Chusovaya with our friends. 
More than 400 people were there with us. A lot of fun.

My boys still dance and sing songs which they heard there.
My older boy was the one who opened the concert by declaring poem, he is still proud of himself (and I proud of him too). I am not sure if I can declare something for such large audience.
Did you ever celebrate fake holidays?
Would you like participate this one?

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