Wednesday, September 7, 2016


In our town we have a circus.
The circus just a building, a place where the performances take place.
There are no local troupes or animals, all of them visit us for show.
Usually a troupe stay in a town for week or two, making show each evening and a few times during the weekend. 
It's enough to for our city inhabitants, everyone who wants, can buy tickets.

This week we have a circus band with elephants.
Because of hot weather, they go to the local lake to swim, I didn't expect that but it seems like elephant s love to swim.
And suddenly, people in our city are big elephant lovers.
My family and I went to the beach yesterday to take a look.
Look at this photo, how many people wants to take a photo:

Or, better this one, it's how it looks from the water (boat):

Crowds! CROWDS! Thousand of them!
I've never seen so many people in our town flocked together exclude big concerts.
What do you think is it possible that three elephants could made bigger crowd of people than a rock star in your town?

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