Thursday, September 8, 2016

The first Russian train.

As I mentioned before my town is an industrial town.
There is the metallurgy industry here since 1600 or so.
At that time it was a very hard job. Almost no machines, all works were made by humans.
Because the metallurgy need an iron, and coal, water, and other things and all of them located far away the logistic was a hard task.
Several centuries the task was solved by horses, not the most efficient way.
In the early 1830s Russian inventors father and son  Cherepanovs built the first Russian steam locomotive.
I took a photo of it, and attached it to the post. It's not an original one (original is in the museum) but it is a very exact copy of it.
Cherepanovs were serfs of the Demidov, owner of local factories, and they got freedom after that invention, and became a chief mechanics at his factories.
Now they are the part of Russian history and we are proud of them, that's why   we have a monument about them in our town.

The funny thing is that local citizens call them "brothers" without a reason. Just because they looks similar on the monument.
It makes a funny folksy name for that monument, local call it "The monument for brother Cherepanovs, father and son". Kind of controversial but people don't see that.
Internationally the steam locomotive was invented before their work, in France (if I am right), but because of lack of the Internet and science magazines they had to reinvent it again.
I mention them, because I'm planing to describe a funny phenomenon, what we idiomatically call "The Russia is the motherland for the Elephants", and those guys could be a good illustration for it.

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