Monday, December 26, 2016

Grandfather Frost

In this post I'm going to show you some info about Russian version of Santa - Grandfather Frost.
There are a few differences in appearance:
He wears :
- A fur hat,
- Long fur coat that usually red
- Long white felt boots
- Warm gloves
His beard is thicker and longer.
He doesn't have elves and wife, only his granddaughter Sniegurochka  (snow-little-girl) accompanies him.
He doesn't wear glasses, doesn't smoke, and he is really old.

There are a few differences in his behavior:
He never uses chimney or something like that.
People who waits him are awake and they keep door opened for him.
Usually granddaughter comes first, and all together loudly invite him to come in.
Children expected to report him how their acted this year, were they good boys/girls and so on.
Then they declare poems to him aloud (because he is old and doesn't hear well they should do that aloud), they sing to him.
Usually all the children and granddaughter dance together traditional way around fir-tree.
He never stay in one house for a long time, there are many houses in the country, and he supposed to visit all of them in one night : New Year eve.

His transport
There are a lot of ways for him, it could be a fancy sleigh or a normal sleigh.

Sometimes we says that she went by skies.
I think there is nothing special about where he lives / how he moves, that's why we don't have only one version for that.
The gifts
He has a big red sack with him. He never allows someone to touch it.
When children finish their show he gives gifts to them.
Usually it's something what child asked in their letter, but it is not mandatory: it can be anything.

Do you have your local version of Santa?
What are the differences?

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